
It’s a Terrible Beauty

I’m working on the writing and a Victorian Colouring Book that is a mix of facts and illustrations…

Kate Murray - Cleaver

Yes, I have started a new book. It’s called A Terrible Beauty and is something a little different. No magic, no zombies, no shap-shifters… Nothing extra ordinary.

Although I should mention that it is a horror so there may be some stabbing and a little gore. It’s strange to be writing something that doesn’t have a supernatural element. Strange but really good. My character has to react to everyday stuff. She has to interact and talk to different people. She is beautiful and very terrible.

And yes – it is of that I have a the title before the book. It normally happens the other way round.

I’ll keep you posted on how it goes.

On the colouring book front… There is a Victorian one on the drawing pad. It’s similar to the Tudor one, so filled with facts and colouring. Here’s one of the half finished illustrations…

houses of parliament

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